| The Palmerium is a private reserve near the Bush House, along the Canal des Pangalanes. There are many species of lemures here, and they come really close! |
 | We are not only looking at the lemures, the lemures are also observing our behaviour! |
 | Gaby and her new friend... |
 | They don't matter sitting on your head or shoulder, even taking a walk doesn't disturb them at all. |
 | Ok, just stand over there, so I can take the picture... yeah, that's exactly right, CLICK, thank you! |
 | The crowned lemur. The guides warned us for this one, because it bites, unlike the other lemures here. |
 | Among all the trees in the forest, you also see many eucalyptus. |
 | A red frog, what an amazing color! |
 | Perinet is one of the most famous reserves, because of the Indri Indri. This is the largest specy of lemurs. It's also famous because of it's incredible sound! There are also several kinds of cameleons, like this green one. |
 | Perinet is also the park to see lots of species of orchidea, but the flower season is during September and October, so we missed the show... |
 | A nice view on the forest. |
 | Close to the reserve is a village called Andasibe. The people here are really friendly, and the kids like to be photographed. This girl carries her little brother on her back. |
 | Two boys in Andasibe. Look at their clothes! |
 | Close to the city Antsirabe some interesting lakes can be found. This is one of them, Lac Andraikiba. Most lakes have there own legends, so has this one. It should be haunted by the gost of a pregnant girl who drowned in a swimming competition with another girl for the prize of marriage. The local people say that at she's spotted, at dawn, sitting on a rock. Unfortunately, we haven't seen her... |
 | These small buildings are seen throughout the hole country. These are tombs, so places where dead people are "stored". Sometimes the family opens a tomb and carry the remainings through the village, while having a big party with lots of food and alcohol. |
 | It's difficult not to take pictures from the people. They all want you to make a picture of them. Sometimes they give you their address and ask you to send the photograph. |